I’ve been delving into the topic of memory. It’s clearly important, and I make an effort to remember key information. However, I’d never focused on actively training my memory. I decided to give it a try, and it was surprisingly enjoyable. The results far exceeded my expectations; I hadn’t realized I was capable of such feats.
Number Challenge
My wife challenged me with two numbers to memorize. Without formal memory training, I first wrote them down to devise a strategy. Only then could I discard the written numbers and rely solely on my memory.
The first number was 2518280. Memorizing a 7-digit number isn’t inherently difficult; the average person can retain around 7 chunks of information. But I aimed to recall it the next day, even a week later. This required a creative approach.
Our brains struggle with numbers but excel at visual information. Thus, I attempted to visualize it. The drawing above the number was a failed attempt, but it evolved into an interesting encryption method, which I’ll discuss later. The key to remembering the number was the small graph on the right.
It’s a simple line chart. The three horizontal lines represent 8, 5, and 2, from top to bottom. Their equal spacing reflects the arithmetic sequence they form. The line’s turning points correspond to the 7-digit number.
I focused on the graph, memorizing the relationships between the turning points and the lines.
The second number, 97034728, presented a greater challenge. It had more digits and greater variety. The previous number contained only 5 unique digits, while this one had 7. A line chart would become overly complex.
I then considered a phone keypad (the old type) or a computer’s number pad, with 123 at the bottom and 789 at the top. I traced the number’s path as if it were a gesture password. I drew it in the air repeatedly with my finger, and then with my eyes closed, tracing it with my eyes.
The pattern is intricate but divisible into two parts. 9703 is a large, sweeping movement. 4728 is much smaller, forming a capital “N”. This process engaged my sense of direction, an often-underestimated sense, aiding recall.
After memorizing both patterns, I chatted with my wife and watched some TV. Recalling the numbers afterward was effortless. I tested myself again the next day, with no issues.
Memorizing Years
Memorizing arbitrary numbers felt somewhat pointless. So, I shifted to something practical! After my college entrance exams, I read a history book on the Middle East wars. I’d forgotten most of it, but I’d forced myself to memorize the years of the five wars. Trying to recall them now, I realized I’d forgotten them completely.
I looked them up: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. While there are patterns, relying on too many can become confusing. I needed a simpler, more distinct pattern.
Through observation and association, I noticed the two largest numbers bookended the sequence. It begins and ends with 8, resembling a croissant.
The tens digits of the five years create an arithmetic sequence. With the final 8 in the tens place, the sequence becomes clear: 45678.
I then derived the ones digits from the tens digits. The necessary adjustments were easy to remember: multiply by 2, add 1, add 1, subtract 10, subtract 10.
The 5 years were thus reduced to 3 simple rules:
- Croissant shape, with 8 at each end.
- Arithmetic sequence for the tens digits.
- Multiply by 2, add 1, add 1, subtract 10, subtract 10 for the ones digits.
What is Memory?
Memory fundamentally involves activating neurons and forming connections between them. On a macro scale, it’s about assigning meaning. Recall is similar; it reactivates those neurons and strengthens the connections. It’s akin to reconstructing that meaning. This reconstruction can sometimes lead to incorrect connections, explaining why memories can be unreliable.
A key factor in memory is the number of neuronal connections formed during memorization. More connections mean stronger stimulation and a more robust memory. Therefore, memory isn’t solely about “having a good memory,” which implies an innate, fixed trait.
Memory = Observation + Association + Focus.
Focus is somewhat controllable, though it fluctuates. Memory can vary significantly even within the same individual, across different times and subjects, due to varying interest and effort. Excluding focus, the other two factors are relatively constant. Strengthening these can improve memory. (Observation could also be considered a consequence of focus, depending on the definition.)
Improving Memory
When learning English vocabulary as children, we didn’t just blindly memorize letter combinations. We all used Chinese to aid in remembering English words, to varying degrees. It might seem unsophisticated, but it’s natural and effective. Your brain will naturally seek such connections.
For instance, when learning “fundamental,” I didn’t delve into etymology. I simply remembered it as “fang de man tou” (square steamed bun). It’s edible and can be used for building, like bricks – both fundamental!
Therefore, increased observation and associating information with something bizarre and vivid enhances memory. To create more neural connections, engage as many senses as possible. Sight, sound, taste, touch, smell – experience it fully, even if only in your imagination. The “square steamed bun” example ticks all the boxes. I visualized a brick-sized, smooth, soft, white, milky-smelling bun. This vivid imagery is why I still recall it today.
I once devised a method for remembering names and places, based on the same principle. When encountering an unfamiliar name, ensure you hear the correct pronunciation. Then, say it aloud whenever you see the person, not just silently. This incorporates auditory information, creating more connections and boosting recall.
If you struggle to remember something, it’s either because you haven’t understood it well enough to form associations, or you haven’t deemed it important enough to warrant the effort of observation.
This isn’t groundbreaking; it’s common knowledge. If you truly want to remember something, and you care enough, you’ll find a way. A poor memory is simply an excuse.
A Crude Encryption Method
Finally, let’s revisit that failed drawing. What was it, and how could it function as a cipher? Here’s the image again:
It’s based on an abacus. A Chinese abacus has two sections. The lower section has 5 beads and an empty space, representing 6 rows. The upper section has 2 beads and an empty space, representing 3 rows. Adding the dividing line, we have 10 rows.
In the image, if you represent the 7-digit number on an abacus, the black squares indicate the rows with empty spaces. However, I made an error with the 5; I forgot to move the upper bead (referred to as “xia wu” – lower five – in abacus terminology). I also omitted the ones digit 0, as I abandoned this diagram.
This one is accurate:
Since an abacus lacks “upper five” and “lower ten” states, rows 0, 3, and 9 (from bottom to top – rows start from 0, as developers know) will always be empty, potentially revealing the abacus connection. However, by treating each black square as a number, any N-digit decimal number can be converted into a 2N-digit decimal number. Thus, 2518280 becomes 37584728372857. The numbers, viewed in isolation, have almost no apparent relationship. This cipher might deceive the average person, but it’s ineffective against trained intelligence agents.